Codeine is a type of drug that is classified as an opiate painkiller. This drug is often prescribed to individuals after surgery or patients suffering from pain conditions. This medication is extremely effective when prescribed to relieve pain to its analgesic properties. The problem is that it is extremely addictive. Codeine is a type of medication that can get a person high and, over time, it triggers both tolerance and dependence in users.

What is tolerance?

As a person continues to use codeine, the body forms a tolerance to it. This can take several weeks to months to happen. Tolerance is a term used to describe what happens when your body adapts to the chemical properties in a medication and no longer responds to it the same. As a person builds a tolerance, they feel they need to take a higher dosage of the medication or take the medication more often. This is something that happens at different rates for individuals and is often difficult to predict.

What is dependence?

Even a person that uses codeine exactly as they are prescribed can develop a dependence of the problem. Dependence is a term used to describe when the body becomes accustomed to functioning with a certain substance. A person that attempts to lower their dosage or stops taking the medication will experience withdrawal symptoms if they have developed a level of dependence.

Is dependence the same as addiction?

Technically, addiction and dependence are not the same thing. Dependence often impacts a person physically where addiction often affects a person both physically and mentally. Some signs of addiction are:

–          Having an inability to control usage of a substance

–          Continuing to use the drug even if it has negative side effects and/or consequences

–          Craving and/or obsessing over the substance

Going through withdrawal

A person with a physical dependence on codeine will experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop using the medication. Some symptoms a person will experience are:

–          Chills and/or fever

–          Delusions

–          Muscle spasms

–          Stomach cramps, nausea, and/or vomiting

–          Runny nose and eyes

Withdrawal symptoms typically impact an individual in one of four different stages.

Stage 1 begins within 12-hours after quitting codeine. At this point, a person will feel irritated and have flu-like symptoms.

Stage 2 begins within 1 to 2 days after quitting. Symptoms of stage one will increase drastically at this time. A person will feel extremely irritated and have nausea, headache, vomiting, anxiety, and may sweat excessively.

Stage 3 begins with 3 to 5 days after quitting. During this stage, the symptoms of stages one and two will begin to decrease. A person will still feel anxious and sick, but they may not be as irritated as before.

Stage 4 begins after 6 days of quitting. A person will begin to slowly feel normal and have a sense of balance. Their symptoms of withdrawal will drastically reduce and may even disappear for some.

At Asana Recovery, we help individuals safely withdrawal from codeine. We have a relaxing and comfortable space that addicts can use to detox their body of harmful substances. The detox process at our facility is monitored around-the-clock by trained professionals who work to ensure patients remain safe and as comfortable as possible. Call us today at (949) 438-4504 to get help with a codeine addiction or dependency today.