At the tender age of 12, a child steps into a new world of adolescence. For most children, this a time where middle school becomes a new realm of discovery. The internal body begins to change, hormones shift, and perceptions about the world are encouraged to develop a grounded resonance. Substances may be presented to a child within this time and without proper guidance may lead down nocuous roads.

New research by the University of Montreal, examined a long-running study beginning in 1980. Every year, boys between the ages of 13 and 17 were asked if they had partaken in any drug use including pot, cocaine, hallucinogens, and a plethora of alternate substances. These same participants were once again approached at the age of 20 and then 28 to check in on their development.

The study concluded that the boys who began to smoke marijuana before the age of 15 showed a 68 percent likelihood of developing substance abuse by the age of 28. The boys who waited until the age 15 or later, showed a 44 percent risk factor. Although the percentages are still relatively high, that equates to a 24 percent differentiation. The study was performed on 1,030 boys and has recently been published in theCanadian Journal of Psychiatry.

Furthermore, the study exemplifies the derivative nature of habit formation. Habits are a developed pattern. Although they are not permanent, an unhealthy evolution within the dimension of substance dependency has significant effects if left unchecked. Maintaining a healthy conversation about the dangers of substance abuse is ideal and preventative. If you feel that you have been impacted by an early introduction to drugs, it is never too late to ask for help.

Asana Recovery provides nourishing, supportive, and inspiring environments to promote a healthy recovery. Supervised detoxification and residential treatment programs are available to assist with the process. Call us today at (949) 438-4504 to learn more about our comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.