A patient goes to a doctor because he or she has been experiencing pain and the doctor prescribes the patient a common painkiller like OxyContin or hydrocodone, also referred to as Opioid painkillers. There are a variety of reasons why a doctor may prescribe such painkillers, but after recent uprisings in Opioid addictions leading to street drug addictions like heroin, doctors are now becoming more cautious about prescribing Opioids. Opioids, while they are professionally manufactured and prescribed by doctors to relieve pain, are incredibly addictive if abused with the wrong amount.

Patients end up becoming dependent on the Opioids, and some use the prescription drug to get high, but when they run out of prescriptions or money to afford the prescriptions, they turn to a cheaper substitute, street heroin. The problem with heroin is not only that heroin is one of the most addictive drugs out there, but heroin is not professionally manufactured nor is heroin regulated safely. When there is no regulation, the drug has the possibility of being laced with something or being improperly made, which opens the door for mistakes.

The addiction factor in heroin is what results in 12,989 deaths by heroin overdose, which surpasses 12,979 deaths from gun homicides. Those are startling statistics. An inorganic substance kills more people than other people with guns and harmful intent and the number of heroin overdoses have only been rising. Many are linking the cause of heroin overdoses to the Opioid epidemic, arguing that the prescription of Opioids in improper amounts is creating these addictions which lead to the longing for a substitute for Opioids when they run out.

Most people probably already know why heroin kills more people than other people with harmful intent, but some may not understand why heroin is so addictive. The reason heroin is exceptionally addictive is due to the speed at which heroin produces dopamine in the brain and the intensity of the dopamine on the body. The rate at which heroin crosses the blood-brain barrier is 100 times faster than other painkilling drugs like morphine.

It only takes a few days to become dependent on heroin, and once that happens, the user finds himself in between two different painful options. Stop taking heroin and deal with uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms or keep taking a substance that no longer produces pleasurable effects. There does come a time when heroin no longer pleasures the body, but the user finds himself unable to stop.

The reason why stopping heroin alone, without professional supervision, is a dangerous idea is because suddenly stopping the use of heroin had been known to suddenly provoke relapse and comes with a variety of symptoms like diarrhea, muscle aches, insomnia, and physical pain. Withdrawal symptoms can become even more severe and lead to full-blown hallucinations, body tremors, suicidal thoughts, and vomiting.

This is all without mention of the long-term side effects of heroin use. These include infectious diseases like AIDS, collapsed veins, heart damage, and arthritis. A few moments of pleasure are not worth all the risks. Asana Recovery is a treatment facility for those struggling with drug addiction and offers a supportive, calm environment with detox and residential treatment programs. We understand the real psychological struggles that users experience when trying to quit a substance or overcome the adverse effects of drug use. Contact Asana Recovery at 949-438-4504 to learn more about our treatment programs.