Have you seen those anti-smoking ads on TV where people have a hole in their throat aka tracheostomy? Their voices are soft and raspy. Or sometimes they have a little device they hold up to it before they speak. Their voices come out sounding a bit robotic.

The people in the videos tell us how they used to smoke. In some cases they never smoked at all. But instead were exposed to secondhand smoke. Unfortunately they ended up with that condition as a result. What’s going on with these people and how does smoking cause it?

What is a Tracheostomy?

That hole is called a tracheostomy. It’s a surgically made opening that goes through the front of your neck and into your trachea, or windpipe. The hole is to help people with damaged airways breathe. It could be temporary or you could be stuck with it forever.

Your airways – the nose, mouth, larynx (voice box), trachea and bronchial tubes – carry oxygen to your lungs and carbon dioxide out of them. If any of these pathways aren’t working right the tracheostomy allows air to get to your lungs by way of a breathing tube that goes straight into the windpipe.

The procedure itself is quick and safe. But living with a tracheostomy isn’t easy. You won’t be able to eat normally at first and will have to get nutrients through an IV or feeding tube. Once it’s healed you’ll have to learn how to swallow again before you can eat real food.

You’ll also have trouble speaking. This is because the tube prevents air from the lungs from passing over the voice box. Many people need speech therapy after the procedure. There is a valve that can be attached to the tracheostomy tube to help you speak but it has to be removed and cleaned daily.

Smoking and Tracheostomy

One of the reasons people might need this procedure is if they have a condition that prevents them from coughing. Coughing is important because it protects the lungs and carries away mucus and bacteria. People who have trouble swallowing might also need tracheostomies.

So where does smoking come into play? Smoking can cause cancer of the throat, mouth, larynx and lungs which will all interfere with breathing. Chronic smoking can lead to people needing tracheostomies.

It also causes various respiratory diseases like chronic bronchitis which is a long term (chronic) inflammation of the large airways, emphysema which is a chronic lung condition that affects the air sacs in the lungs and can cause shortness of breath and coughing among other symptoms.

If you or someone you know needs help quitting smoking or tracheostomy related issues call Asana Recovery at (949)-763-3440. We offer medical detox, residential and outpatient programs and you’ll be taken care of by a team of medical professionals, counselors and therapists.

