Asana Recovery

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Intensive Outpatient
Orange County

Experience life-changing recovery without missing a beat. Get the support you need with our flexible outpatient treatment program for addiction.

What Exactly is an IOP?

A young man is being encouraged by his therapy group.

What Does Your Intensive Outpatient Program Treat?

A young lady is depressed at work and holding hands to her face.


A young gal suffering from anxiety and hold her hands to her face.

Anxiety Disorders

Person experiencing a bipolar disorder moment.

Bipolar Disorder

A young couple addicted to their cell phone, in need of IOP.


A young lady downloading our free treatment guide to help boyfriend.

Get Your Free Treatment Guide

This easy to read guide will show you all the different options available to you or a loved one on how to beat addiction. Enter your name and email below and we’ll send it right away!

Benefits of IOP

An icon showing that our therapies are backed by scientific research.

Evidence-Based Therapies

An icon showing the fulsome scope of our programs.

Holistic Approach

An icon showing the flexibility our IOP program gives our patients.

Flexible Schedule

An icon showing a warning; this is meant to convey relapse prevention.

Relapse Prevention

A young lady speaking to a therapist at IOP in Orange County.

What Determines
Placement in IOP or PHP?

Experience life-changing recovery without missing a beat. Get the support you need with our flexible outpatient treatment program for addiction.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably serious about your recovery. Take the first step by verifying your benefits.

Benefits of IOP

An icon showing that our therapies are backed by scientific research.

Evidence-Based Therapies

An icon showing the fulsome scope of our programs.

Holistic  Approach

An icon showing the flexibility our IOP program gives our patients.

Flexible Schedule

An icon showing a warning; this is meant to convey relapse prevention.

Relapse Prevention

What Determines Placement in IOP or PHP?

A young man being admitted into our IOP in Orange County.

Determining whether you are placed in an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) or a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) depends on several factors. We assess:

  • Symptom severity: How much your mental health or substance use issues impact your daily life.
  • Daily living skills: Your ability to manage routines and responsibilities.
  • Treatment needs: The specific therapy or medication monitoring you require.
  • Home support system: The strength of your support network at home.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably serious about your recovery. Take the first step by verifying your benefits.