Asana Recovery

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Get the intensive support you need for addiction and mental health issues. Receive structured care during the day and return home each evening.

What Exactly is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

  • A Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is an intensive, outpatient treatment modality addressing mental health and substance abuse without requiring overnight stays.
  • PHP in Orange County offers a structured environment that supports recovery, providing intensive therapeutic services without the need for overnight hospitalization, and allows participants to integrate learned coping strategies in their regular daily environments.
  • Ideal candidates for PHP in Orange County are medically stable individuals who do not require 24-hour supervision, often transitioning from inpatient care or in need of more support than standard outpatient services, with a typical commitment of six hours per day, five days per week.
A group of patients holding hands at our PHP in Orange County.

The Multifaceted Therapy Sessions of PHP

  • PHP employs evidence-based therapeutic modalities such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and more holistic practices like yoga to ensure comprehensive treatment.
  • Treatment plans within PHP are personalized, using a combination of individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and psychiatric consultations to address the unique needs of each patient.
  • Integrated treatment strategies in PHP, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, are specifically designed to tackle the complexities of substance abuse alongside mental health disorders.
A young lady going through depression holding her hands to her face.
A woman holds her hand to her chest while experiencing anxiety.
A young man going through different emotions; he is bipolar.
A man standing by the window and is currently fighting addiction.
This pyramid is a representation of the 5 key points of PHP.

The Role of Therapy in PHP

  • In PHP, psychiatric care is proactive with close monitoring and regular adjustment of medications to optimize treatment for conditions like depression and anxiety.
  • Group therapy in PHP settings provides a shared space where individuals can develop communication skills, receive peer support, and learn from the experiences of others facing similar challenges.
  • Family therapy in PHP focuses on resolving conflicts, enhancing communication, and teaching healthy problem-solving skills that participants can apply in their daily lives.


We are committed to providing a comfortable and effective place for clients to get clean and begin their journey in recovery. Your recovery is our number ONE priority at Asana Recovery. Call us today.

Saving lives. Supporting families. Strengthening communities.

A review left on our Google My Business profile; from Kimberly.
A review left on our Google My Business profile; from Cooper.
A review left on our Google My Business profile; from Brittney.
A review left on our Google My Business profile; from Tyler.

Benefits of Our Partial
Hospitalization Program

An icon showing that our therapies are backed by scientific research.

Evidence-Based Therapies

An icon showing the fulsome scope of our programs.

Holistic  Approach

An icon showing the flexibility our IOP program gives our patients.

Flexible Schedule

An icon showing a warning; this is meant to convey relapse prevention.

Relapse Prevention

What to Expect During Initial Assessment

A young man being admitted into our IOP in Orange County.
  • The initial assessment for PHP includes a professional evaluation by a mental health professional, establishing insurance coverage, and crafting an individualized treatment plan.
  • During the assessment, there is a thorough discussion concerning the patient’s mental health, behavioral problems, or substance abuse to ascertain appropriate treatment.
  • Eligibility for PHP is determined by assessing whether the program aligns with the patient’s specific needs, taking into account any mental health or addiction challenges.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re probably serious about your recovery. Take the first step by verifying your benefits.