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The Asana Way is the principle by which we work …and live. You will find us refer to it as the “blueprint” to how we treat our clients, work with our industry professionals, and engage our staff.

Our Mission

To provide a healing environment where our clients acknowledge and understand their addiction, embrace a lifestyle of productivity, and find the fulfillment that comes with service to others.

Our Vision

To operate inspiring facilities that support recovery, fulfilling career and be of service to others.

Our Values

As an organization that believes in living what we teach, our core values are deeply aligned with our own personal beliefs. When you come to Asana Recovery for your treatment and recovery you can expect to see our core values in action.


As an organization we are composed of individuals who actively seek happiness and fulfillment in our lives. We believe that true happiness is rooted in gratitude for what we have and the opportunities we are afforded, including the ability to truly help people on a daily basis. It is our goal to help our clients find fulfillment in their own lives.


As an organization we care about the responsible management of resources within the organization, community, and natural environment.


We encourage our clients to live a life of balance and more importantly mindfulness. This means that we make every effort to steer you towards a state of awareness, being fully present, and engaged in the now. Mindfulness is key to achieving a life balance that is crucial in recovery.


The Story Behind Addiction

What is addiction?

Addiction is a disease of the brain in which an individual compulsively uses substances even when that use is clearly detrimental to their lives. When someone is suffering from addiction, they feel an almost single-minded intensity toward the substance. The addiction ends up taking over their life as they spend more and more of their time finding and using the substance. 

Over time, the individual will develop a tolerance for the substance and it will take more of the substance to achieve the desired effect. People begin using substances for a variety of reasons: curiosity, stress relief, performance enhancing, or just to feel better. The point when substance use crosses into abuse can be difficult for the user to recognize. A user can be described as having a substance abuse disorder if:

  • the user has tried to stop using and failed
  • experienced social or work problems as a result of using
  • continued using despite known dangers
  • and/or increased their usage to achieve the same effects

If you think you or someone you love might have a substance abuse problem, please call our trained admission counselors who can talk you through the options we offer to find the treatment approach that is right for your situation.

Asana Recovery Advantages

Why choose Asana Recovery as your treatment facility? 

Being a family owned and operated business allows us to offer a unique approach that you won’t find at any other facility. Our full-service approach to your recovery, coupled with our core values and our exceptional staff create a recovery environment that has proven successful for hundreds of clients. We know that you have a variety of options for your recovery treatment and we commit to providing exceptional care in a healing environment. Detox, residential and outpatient as a full circle approach.

Recovery is a process. Most patients will need to work through all three steps of the recovery process, from detox, to residential treatment, to outpatient treatment. When you arrive at our Orange County residential facility, you will enter a recovery process that starts with removing your dependence on drugs, moves into understanding the reasons why you began abusing drugs, and ends with a gradual re-entry into your daily life through outpatient treatment. This three-step approach has been proven to provide the best foundation for long term recovery from substance abuse.

The teamwork that serves as one of our core values begins with your dedicated care team. We have a trifecta of trained professionals ready to walk with you on your recovery journey from the moment you enter our doors. Each member of our team is committed to the meaningful and important mission of helping you achieve lasting sobriety. Our medical staff will work with you to tailor a treatment plan that takes into account other conditions and medications you arrive with. They will determine at your arrival whether or not medical detox (a detox that requires the assistance of medication for the patient’s safety) is needed and if it is, they will supervise your detox closely.

Our trained therapists will help you identify the underlying causes of your addiction. Through group and individual therapies, as well as some more creative therapy outlets, our therapists will allow you a safe space in which to explore your past, your emotions and your relationships to identify points where healing can begin. 

Our drug counselors are the ones who will support you in the roughest times. Those times when it feels too hard and you want to throw in the towel. 

Our trained, compassionate counselors understand your journey. Many of them have been through that journey themselves and have chosen this work so that they can pay it forward to others. Having a counselor who has literally walked the same path you are walking goes a long way towards making that much needed connection to the world outside of addiction. 

At all three levels, medical, therapeutic, and counseling, our staff is here for you and will fight for you, even when you find it hard to fight for yourself.

Our core values will change your approach to life

One of the most unique things about treatment at Asana Recovery is the commitment we show to our core values in the course of treatment. The “Asana Way” is the core principle by which we at Asana Recovery work and live. At the center of the “Asana Way” are our core values of gratitude, mindfulness, teamwork, stewardship and creativity. These five values underlie every treatment we provide.

  • Gratitude – Through gratitude we teach you to find the positive in your life and use that to combat your demons. A grateful mind will be better equipped to fight the negative and destructive thoughts that often lead to relapse.
  • Mindfulness – Practicing mindfulness allows you to put that gratitude into practice as you quiet your mind to achieve a kind of peace that you could never find through drug use. Mindfulness forces you to be fully present and helps you to identify triggers and reactions that led to substance abuse.
  • Teamwork – You will learn teamwork as you participate with your treatment team to discover the best course for your recovery. At Asana Recovery, you will be an active participant in your own recovery team.
  • Stewardship – Stewardship is our commitment to care for all of our clients in a way that is worthy of their trust in us. We know you are taking a leap of faith and we promise to remember and respect that throughout your journey with us.
  • Creativity – Our commitment to creativity manifests in a variety of ways. First, we encourage creativity as part of the treatment process. Sometimes the best treatment plans are unconventional, and we are open to exploring all avenues to advance your recovery. Second, we encourage our clients to explore creatively as they discover new interests and passions outside of substance abuse. These new interests can provide a framework for a successful and fulfilling life outside of recovery.

As you can see, these core values provide an unparalleled recovery experience that you won’t find in any other treatment facility.