Understanding Adderall Withdrawal

What is Adderall?

As a prescription amphetamine, Adderall is frequently prescribed for the treatment of ADHD and ADD in children. This type of disorder makes it very difficult to remain alert and focused. Adderall helps enhance calm and focus. The drug also has addictive properties potentially resulting in uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Adderall contains two stimulants for the central nervous system, dextroamphetamine and amphetamine.

An infographic with concise information on what Adderall is.

This increases norepinephrine and dopamine levels within the brain to decrease impulsiveness and enhance focus. Adderall was approved by the FDA in 1996. When used properly, Adderall is useful for individuals living with ADHD and ADD. Unfortunately, even if the drug is taken correctly, the individual can become dependent on the substance. 

Women interested in becoming pregnant or already pregnant should enter detox if they are using the medication. Safely tapering off Adderall is important for the health of the mother and baby. The problem is some people are using Adderall to experience a high and do not have ADHD or ADD. The drug increases feelings of euphoria, focus, alertness and energy. 

Adderall is sometimes used as a street drug by individuals with busy lives under a lot of pressure. If you have become addicted to the high you experience when using the drug, you are most likely using the substance more and more. You can lose control of your life quickly. You are also risking the development of health issues due to abuse. You can stop using the drug safely at a medical detox facility.

How is the Brain Affected by Adderall?

Adderall increases activity levels for dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. This effectively decreases the overstimulation of the brain. The state of baseline stimulation is then achieved. Adderall accesses the area of the brain responsible for the control of impulses and hyperactivity while helping to lift the fog of indecision and inattention. Individuals diagnosed with ADHD can slow down and remain still in their bodies and minds. 

Greater focus and clarity results when the dopamine levels within the brain are adjusted. Adderall is also the only medication currently approved by the FDA for the treatment of narcolepsy. This is no cure for this sleep disorder. The drugs help the person feel awake and alert during the day as opposed to excessively sleepy and sluggish. Adderall is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs in the United States in addition to being one of the most frequently abused.

Can an Overdose Result from Adderall Abuse?

Although unlikely, it is possible to overdose on Adderall. This can occur from crushing the pills and inhaling them in powder form or swallowing the pills whole. The dosage generally prescribed is between five and 60 milligrams each day. A dosage of 20 to 25 milligrams for each kilogram of weight can be lethal. A good example is an individual with a weight of 154 pounds. If the prescribed dosage is increased 25 times to approximately 1,00 milligrams, it can become lethal.

An infographic displaying crucial information related to Adderall abuse.

If you recreationally use an amphetamine prescription for recreational purposes in addition to taking other medications or drugs, an overdose is possible even if you are using less than the typical lethal dosage. Adderall can interact with numerous different drugs including medications for:

  • Antacids
  • allergy and cold medications
  • High blood pressure
  • Antidepressants

If you mix alcohol and Adderall, you risk a life-threatening overdose, coma and alcohol poisoning. Thousands of people are sent to the emergency room every year due to Adderall abuse and the dangerous side effects including:

  • Rapid breathing
  • Hallucinations
  • Stomach pain
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Heart attack
  • Tremors
  • Excessively high fever

Timeline for Adderall Withdrawal

The symptoms of withdrawal can occur within a few hours or not appear for several days after your last dosage. You will experience the peak of physical symptoms in about four days before they taper off gradually. Emotional symptoms may not dissipate for weeks or even months. If you attempt to quit using Adderall with help, you can suffer from insomnia, anxiety and depression for the long-term. 

Common Physical Symptoms During Withdrawal

Two of the effects of Adderall are energy and alertness. When you are no longer abusing the drug, your energy levels significantly decline. You may feel impaired in some way or sluggish. The most common symptoms experienced during the withdrawal process include:

  • Sleep issues or insomnia
  • Inability to regulate appetite
  • Aches and pains
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle tremors or spasms

An infographic showing common physical symptoms during Adderall withdrawal.

You will also experience psychological symptoms during Adderall withdrawal. Many of the symptoms are extremely distressing including:

  • Anxiety
  • Unpleasant and vivid nightmares and dreams
  • Anhedonia
  • Depression
  • Issues with functioning in social environments
  • Irritability

If you do not receive help with these symptoms, they can persist for months or years after you stop using Adderall.

Dangers of Adderall Addiction

Abusing Adderall is dangerous and you may experience the following.

  • Aggression
  • Memory loss
  • Issues with relationships
  • Sleeping for a long time
  • Social withdrawal
  • Taking pills frequently
  • Exhaustion
  • Unusual excitability
  • Running out of your prescription too soon
  • Excessive loss of weight
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Financial issues
  • Overconcentrating or overworking
  • Personal hygiene decline
  • Becoming overly talkative
  • Mania
  • Incomplete thoughts
  • Secretive behavior
  • Disorientation
  • Loss of appetite

A lot of individuals abusing Adderall believe it is safe because the drug is prescribed by doctors. Adderall is only safe for adults and children when prescribed by a doctor for a specific disorder such as ADHD. Just because children use Adderall does not mean it is safe for everyone. Adderall is an extremely strong stimulant. Abusing this drug can result in serious and possibly fatal side effects. The worst side effect of abusing Adderall is an overdose. 

This can result in liver failure, stroke and heart attack. If you use Adderall with other substances including alcohol, the risk of a fatal overdose increases. Sales of Adderall XR were banned by the Canadian government in 2005 due to 20 deaths linked to the drug. XR is the time-released formula for Adderall. Physical changes can be caused by Adderall in the neurocircuitry of the brain. The result can be mental disorders including depression and altered behaviors. 

Some people abusing the drug became suicidal after taking Adderall for prolonged time periods. Some users have injected the drug directly into their bloodstream because they wanted a better high. Although injections of Adderall do result in an intense high, there is a substantial risk of a fatal overdose. Athletes using the substance have died due to increased blood pressure resulting in cardiac arrest and stroke. 

Due to the dangers of Amphetamines like Adderall, the International Olympic Committee banned them in 1968. If you are abusing Adderall, you may experience some or all of the side effects including:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Loss or lack of strength
  • False conviction of well-being
  • Pain in the side or lower back
  • Nausea
  • Urge to urinate frequently
  • Hallucinations
  • Convulsions
  • Weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Seizures
  • Dry mouth
  • Peeling skin
  • Depression
  • Paranoia
  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Twitching

Get Help Now (949) 763-3440

Call us today to learn more about how we can help you end your battle with Adderall addiction for good. 

Snorting Adderall

Users interested in achieving an immediate effect often snort Adderall. The pills are crushed into a fine powder, then placed into the sinus cavity and sniffed. In addition to an intense high, you are risking serious side effects. Snorting Adderall can destroy your sinus and nasal cavities. If you continue snorting the drug, the amount of potential damage will significantly increase. Snorting also increases the side effects of Adderall including an irregular heartbeat. If you are snorting Adderall, you have a much higher risk of an overdose.

Recognizing the Signs of Addiction

Between 2002 and 2012, doctors wrote five times more prescriptions for Adderall. This made it easier for addicts to get the drug from their family members or friends. When compared to other drugs, there is rarely a stigma regarding Adderall. This means most people are not aware when a loved one has developed an addiction. Some people learn how to fake ADHD symptoms to obtain a prescription of their own. Not everyone abusing the drug is addicted.

An infographic displaying the signs of addiction one should look for.

Using Adderall occasionally to increase productivity or remain awake is different than requiring the drug in order to function. If you believe a loved one has become addicted to Adderall, your need to learn to recognize specific behaviors. Since an addict is unable to function without the drug, obtaining and using Adderall becomes their number one priority. An addict eventually loses control over how much of the drug they use. This results in ignoring or forgetting important family or social obligations.

Difference Between Quitting Alderol at a Detox Center and at Home

Quitting cold-turkey means you have suddenly stopped taking Adderall. There are numerous reasons why this will not work. To begin with, quitting cold-turkey is not safe. You can shock your body and experience intense, painful and sometimes dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Acute withdrawal is extremely painful and intolerable for most people. For this reason, you may begin using the drug again just for relief. This will not help anyone quit. 


This will prolong your addiction while placing you at risk for all of the unpleasantness connected to abuse and addiction. Detox offers you medical supervision so you can taper off the Adderall safely. You will be supervised by trained medical doctors and professionals. Tapering off enables your body to become accustomed to gradually decreasing doses of the drug. Your withdrawal symptoms will not be as severe or dangerous. You can also prevent relapse by going through withdrawal in a secure and safe environment.

What is Safe During Adderall Detox?

Taking gradually decreasing doses of Adderall during detox is safe. This prevents you from experiencing intense and dangerous withdrawal symptoms. You can also be given safe medications to offset the pain of withdrawal including difficulty sleeping and aches and pains. If you experience either anxiety or depression while in a detox center, you can be given medication. 

What is Not Safe During Adderall Detox?

Consuming caffeine while in detox for Adderall withdrawal is not safe. Caffeine often intensifies common withdrawal symptoms including difficulties sleeping and feelings of anxiety. Being exposed to harmful influences while you are attempting to recover from your addiction to Adderall is not safe. You will be safe in a facility from anyone trying to encourage you to start using drugs again due to the medical supervision provided in detox. 

What Can Be Expected During the Process of Withdrawal

When you arrive at the detox facility, you will receive a thorough assessment from doctors. An effective and safe schedule to taper you off Adderall will then be established. Any underlying health issues or polydrug use will also be evaluated in addition to how long you have used Adderall and in what amounts. You can then safely detox. Once the drug is completely out of your system, you can start attending an outpatient or inpatient rehab center. 

A maintenance plan will be customized for your specific needs by therapists and physicians. Group and support systems are established to provide you with a sense of belonging and community while helping to stop you from relapsing.

What is the Difference Between Withdrawal from Adderall and Other Amphetamines?

Adderall is available in both long and short-term versions. Your doctors must know which one you have abused. The short-term formula leaves your body faster, but the withdrawal is usually sudden and more intense. The long-term version will remain in your bloodstream for a longer period of time. The withdrawal symptoms are not as bad, but they last longer. This will impact both the process and timeline of your withdrawal.

Which Factors Influence the Withdrawal Process for Adderall?

Your withdrawal process will be influenced significantly depending on which kind of Adderall you abused and if you also abused alcohol or other drugs. Your mental and physical assessment is important in addition to your metabolism and weight. Even though Adderall withdrawal involves many different factors, the therapists and doctors at Asana Recovery have been trained to help you if you want to stop abusing Adderall and recover. 

Get Help Now (949) 763-3440

You don’t have to go through Adderall withdrawal on your own. Contact Asana Recovery today!

Start Your Recovery from Adderall Withdrawal with Asana Recovery's Detox and Rehab Programs

At Asana Recovery, we understand the unique challenges of Adderall addiction and withdrawal. Our compassionate team provides personalized care through a variety of programs designed to help you recover safely and effectively. Wherever you are on your journey, we have a program to support your recovery:

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