Finally A Real Chance To Get Sober

No matter what route it’s administered through, nicotine has been known to produce psychoactive effects  (mood swings, positive reinforcement, and then, unfortunately, addiction). Tobacco smoke inhalation is the quickest and most efficient method of delivering nicotine to the brain. Less than 10 seconds after inhalation, roughly 25% of it reaches your brain, a rate nearly twice as fast as intravenous delivery. Nicotine’s chemical structure enables it to produce addictive effects similar to that of cocaine and heroin.

Nicotine produces its effects in a very fast manner. It begins to affect your body in a matter of seconds, increasing your heart rate, levels of noradrenaline, and enhancing your concentration and mood. It also is a catalyst for the release of dopamine (a brain chemical found to be a huge part of the addiction process). The release of this euphoric chemical causes activation of the brain’s pleasure center, positive reinforcement, arousal, and enhanced cognitive function.

After a while people addicted to nicotine crave the rush of dopamine; after its effects wear off the hormone levels drop, leaving you irritable and anxious with a strong desire for another boost. The more this is repeated, the harder it is to stop the habit.


If you identify with two or more of these symptoms, it may be appropriate to seek professional help. Start by discussing your problem with nicotine use with your primary doctor, or by asking for a referral to a licensed drug counselor or psychologist. If you are uncomfortable talking about this with these medical professionals, there are plenty of other ways to get reliable and trustworthy answers to any and all questions about nicotine addiction and treatment solutions.

We understand here at Asana Recovery how difficult recovering from these addictions can be. We empathize through our daily work helping everyone struggling the most from its effects. Despite some individuals believing they can make it through alone, rehab programs are essential in getting rid of your dependency. Lack of ease should not bring discouragement, as this can be conquered with the help of a strong team. Therapy and aftercare are helpful in assisting you to find every psychological root that led to addiction, while helping you to establish a structure that helps you better handle life without turning to drugs.

The monitored supervised detox and in home treatment programs at Asana Recovery are offered in a calm and encouraging atmosphere. We are deeply invested in ensuring your long term healing, and guiding you on a path toward health and happiness. There is no time better than presently, and we’re always able to speak with you. Call us now at (949) 438-4504 to learn more details about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment program today!