Finally A Real Chance To Get Sober

We say that you’re in recovery after you’ve finished treatment for a substance use disorder, but what does that really mean? Are you in recovery as soon as you check out of inpatient rehab? Does it mean that you’re at home but attending meetings? According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, there are 10 components to recovery.

Self-direction. You’re in charge of your own recovery. You decide what your goals are an what your treatment will look like. Different things work for different people, and you know better than anyone what your process should look like.

Your plan is individualized. Your treatment plan should take into account your life experiences and strengths and weaknesses. It will also need to be specialized to cover any past trauma or mental health disorders that have to be addressed alongside your addiction.

Empowerment. Your recovery should make you feel strong. Every day you should feel like you are learning things about yourself and how to make the most of your treatment. You’ll appreciate the positive effects of speaking to your counselors and therapists and see how you can use the tools they’ve given you going forward. Feelings of hopelessness should begin to fade as you understand that you have control over your own destiny.

Holistic. Your treatment encompasses your body, mind, and spirit, as well as the community supporting you. This means your recovery should be focused on every aspect of your life, including your job, your relationship with God (if you’re religious), your relationships with friends, family, or your spouse, giving back to your community, and just trying to improve the quality of your life.

Nonlinear. Nonlinear means something doesn’t go in a straight line, and that’s certainly true for recovery. There will be steps forward and setbacks and times you feel like you’re standing still. Recovery isn’t all progress, all the time. Still, you have to stick with it and realize that eventually you’ll get back on track.

Strength-based. Identifying your particular strengths can be helpful in recovery. If you have a strong faith, that can play an important role. If you’re good at getting along with others or even leading them, you might consider focusing more on group support. You can build on these, particularly things like courage or any special skills you have, to help you progress at work or in life.

Peer support. Talk to people whenever possible. Counselors, therapists, doctors, other patients – all of these people understand to some degree what you’re going through and can help you learn to better cope and succeed. Attend 12 step or other meetings, or even find an online support group.

Responsibility. Take responsibility for your own actions and choices. Don’t look for ways to blame the people around you for your problems. When you take responsibility, you’re better motivated to change.

If you or a loved one need help with quitting drugs or alcohol, consider Asana Recovery. We offer medical detox, along with both residential and outpatient programs, and you’ll be supervised by a highly trained staff of medical professionals, counselors, and therapists. Call us any time at (949) 438-4504