Finally A Real Chance To Get Sober

Deciding to go to a drug rehabilitation program is an excellent first step toward overcoming an addiction. When dealing with an addiction, it can be extremely difficult to know where to find help. Individuals that do not seek help are at greater risk of disease and death.

Thankfully, there are several treatment methods available to help individuals with drug or alcohol addictions. Addicts that complete rehab is more likely to achieve sobriety and experience fewer relapses. Individuals are enriched with better relationships with colleagues, friends, and family members and they are less likely to be arrested for reasons associated with addiction.

Although any form of treatment is a step in the right direction, NIDA found that treatment programs that are at least 90 days boast a far higher rate of success than short-term programs.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) found that nearly 90% of patients that remained sober for two years after finishing a treatment program are still sober 10 years later.

What helps patients succeed?

Having health insurance that covers inpatient treatment is extremely helpful. At Asana Recovery, we accept most insurance plans, cash, and credit cards. Additionally, some patients can set up payment plans to cover the costs of treatment.

Having an ongoing support system in place during and after your stay in a treatment facility helps sustain long-term success. Clients are welcomed to stay at our inpatient facility for up to 12-months if necessary before going to outpatient therapy.

Generally, there are three different types of outpatient treatments to choose from.

  1. Partial hospitalization program. This program is generally designed to be the next step for patients following their release from residential treatment. This program continues to provide addicts with a higher level of structure and support while helping them transition back with thinking about work or school.
  2. Intensive outpatient program. This program offers patients that are stable in their sobriety an opportunity to reintegrate back into their communities. At this phase, patients are able to employ their sober living skills while continuing to receive treatment from a trained medical team.
  3. Outpatient program. This is the final step in outpatient therapy types where patients are able to use previously learned skills and put them to the test on a daily basis. Patients will transition into work or school while still meeting with case managers on a regular basis to ensure they are maintaining their sobriety and to coach them through difficulties they may be experiencing.

After inpatient treatment is finished, patients transition back into society using our comprehensive outpatient treatment program. This is often recommended for clients as it provides day or evening sessions for individuals, group counseling or therapy, as well as off-site support groups that keep addicts on track and help them adjust to a sense of normalcy outside of the facility.

At Asana Recovery, our program is designed to help you succeed. Our treatment facility is comfortable and inviting, allowing patients to relax while they get the help they need. Our three-step outpatient program helps patients prepare to re-enter society and continue receiving support along the way. Consider contacting us at (949) 245-2358 for more information about the treatment plans we offer.