Finally A Real Chance To Get Sober

After so many reports of declining use across the decades, we are unfortunately seeing cocaine on the rise again. The number of individuals across the United States and Europe using cocaine has increased over 20% between 2014 and 2016 according to treatment center reports.

Although uncertain, it is believed that the boom in the production of cocaine in Columbia is causing the dramatic increase in use throughout Europe and North America. Reports show Columbia’s illegal coca crop has doubled between 2013 and 2015, resulting in an increase of drug trafficking into the United States.

Is Someone You Know Using Cocaine?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 14% of all Americans over age 12 have engaged in cocaine use at some point in their life. Suspecting someone close to you is using can be devastating, but you may not be entirely sure that is what is going on. There are several signs and symptoms individuals using cocaine typically exhibit. Some of the most common symptoms include:

–          Dilated pupils

–          Engaging in risky behaviors

–          Runny or bloody noses

–          Mood swings with exceptional excitability and intense anger

–          Changes in sleep and eating habits – may not sleep and may lose weight

–          Loss of interest in hobbies and activities

–          White powdery substance on face and hands

–          An extreme sudden boost in confidence

–          Becoming increasingly talkative

–          Sudden neglect of hygiene habits

Although opioids continue to be a serious problem in the United States, cocaine is the #2 leading cause of drug-related deaths and the number of fatalities is rapidly increasing across the country. Unfortunately, cocaine has several negative side effects that users can experience during and after use. Some short-term side effects include:

–          Happiness mixed with irritability and intense anger

–          Severe paranoia

–          Decreased appetite

–          Extremely sensitivity to sight, sound, and touch

Long-term use can have some severe side effects on users as well. These often include:

–          Strokes and/or seizures

–          Severe and/or lasting headaches

–          Mood disorders

–          Lung and/or breathing problems

–          Digestive issues

–          Heart disease or heart attacks

–          Severe nosebleeds and/or problems swallowing

The longer a person abuses the drug, the more altered their mental state becomes. Cocaine is extremely addictive as it alters the way the brain functions in users. It often high jacks the brain and destroys an addict’s ability to feel motivated and/or happiness. Typically, overcoming a cocaine addiction requires medical assistance.

At Asana Recovery, we offer a reliable detox program that helps addicts rid their bodies of harmful substances. During this process, we work to keep individuals as comfortable as possible by minimizing side effects and creating a comfortable atmosphere for them. Trained medical professionals are available 24/7 to monitor patients and make sure they continue to progress safely.

Once detox is complete, patients are typically encouraged to undergo inpatient treatment in order to develop coping skills for refusing drug use in the future. Patients receive therapy, both individual and group sessions, and they engage in healthy physical activities to regain their strength and confidence moving forward.