On the moral compass, one of the most respected qualities is honesty. It is the spiritual principle behind many of the world’s major religions, and required for any healthy relationship. But one of the most important relationships which requires honesty is the one with yourself. For those who have experienced addiction, and recovery, you will have endured a great deal of introspection. This self-realization is vital in sustaining your progress, as people who do not develop this trait are generally more prone to relapse. This is why honesty must become an everyday habit until it is second nature. There are many reasons why people may choose dishonest, whether it be shame, repercussion or guilt. However, there is no excuse in sustaining a lifestyle fraught with dishonesty as it will only have a detrimental impact on your journey of sobriety.

Dishonesty with oneself is the leading cause of relapse. More often than not, people lie because they fear the outcome of their actions and seek to protect themselves. It is an unproductive coping tactic as it only sweeps the source issue “under the rug”. While it is normal to experience dishonesty a few times throughout life, continuing on path seeded with lies will undo all of the forward momentum you have made in treatment. During rehabilitation, and afterward, journaling can be a source of truth in which you can keep yourself accountable.

Furthermore, dishonesty serves as a trap in which few people can escape after enough time has passed. Regardless of being in denial, the incapacity to fathom a life without a substance will absolutely result in using again. This is why facing the issues you have is important instead of lying that you do not feel them. Honesty can best be described as a muscle that should be exercised daily in order to grow.

Lastly, honesty is the key feature in rebuilding and strengthening previous and current relationships. From your family, your friends, your therapists, and other professionals in your life, you must always be truthful. There is nothing more detrimental to a relationship than finding out the other individual was not being candid with their feelings or intentions. Because recovery should be your number one priority, you must focus on the foundation of your relationships in order for them to flourish alongside of your progress.

Before you can focus on honesty, however, you must learn how to cope with the urges and compulsions you feel towards abusing drugs. This is best tackled with professional help and under the guidance of medically trained therapists. At Asana Recovery, we help give you back your quality of life by engaging you in traditional therapy options, alternative therapy treatments, and cognitive behavioral tools that will equip you to say “no”. Getting sober is not an easy task. But once you are able to become self-aware of your desires, you can focus on the interpersonal relationships in your life that take precedence.