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Mark Shandrow is Asana Recovery’s CEO and has 20+ years of experience in business development and operations in the addiction treatment industry.
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Back in 2017, President Donald Trump officially declared the American Opioid Crisis a national public health emergency. Since that time, dozens of federal agencies (including the DEA) have been able to allocate large chunks of grant money (thanks to the president’s declaration), and, so far the fight has been ferocious. So what else can the United States government do to combat an epidemic that has lasted for several decades and (even more disturbing) is rooted in mostly legal medication? According to government officials, a brand new website could offer an escape for victims and a solution overall. Recently, the White House launched “The Crisis Next Door,” a site that strives to share stories provided by Americans about how the Opioid Crisis has impacted their lives. Is it possible that this small but powerful effort on part of our government could work? Let’s take a closer look and find out.

Thank the President

Based on a report from CNN, the launch of the website follows on the heels of President Trump’s announcement that his administration would be developing a “large-scale” advertising campaign as a massive effort to fight the brewing Opioid Crisis. Likewise, President Trump has also been pushing for the enforcement of harsh punishment for individuals found guilty of drug trafficking, consequences which could ultimately involve the death penalty.

After opening “The Crisis Next Door,” visitors are greeted by a message from President Trump, who warns us about how social stigmas and an overall lack of motivation have allowed this crisis to grow. Overall, his goal is to unite the nation through storytelling, while also battling a drug epidemic. That is quite a remarkable and creative feat from our nation’s leader.

Bringing Us Closer Together

At this time, the website contains 32 videos from people across the United States of America. While some stories come from regular people, the list also contains some stories from famous people including U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, former Major League Baseball player Darryl Strawberry (and his wife, Tracy), and Eric Bolling (former anchor for Fox News). As an example of one story, Surgeon General Adams explains how his brother was sent to prison for opioid use, and this tragic outcome has terribly impacted his entire family.

Always remember that opioids do not have control over your life. You do. Are you suffering from a substance use disorder or a severe form of addiction? Do you have a friend or family member suffering from one or more of these debilitating illnesses? If you do, get in touch with Asana Recovery today. Our counselors and healthcare experts are ready to walk you through every step of the detox and withdrawal process and rehabilitation and guide you towards living a happier, healthier, and freer lifestyle. While the road to recovery might not be an easy road to travel, we promise to help you every step of the way. Take the first step to stay fit, healthy, and safe.

The time for you to take back control of your life is now. If you are interested in one of our residential treatment or supervised detoxification/withdrawal programs, we are ready and waiting to speak with you at your disclosure. Call Asana now at (949) 438-4504 to learn how to overcome your drug abuse or addiction troubles today.

Mark Shandrow is Asana Recovery’s CEO and has 20+ years of experience in business development and operations in the addiction treatment industry.
LinkedIn | More info about Mark

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