Needless to say, the marijuana debate has continued to bewilder the media with a string of protests and an overwhelming show of support, leading us to ask one question: how can a little herb receive so much love and so much hate in one sitting? After all, over half of our country is divided on the issue of medical and recreational pot, and the federal government has yet to reach a decision on this matter. Traditional politics and modern logic have mixed in a chaotic cauldron, but changes have still been taking place. For example, reports have recently indicated that Texas may be preparing to break away from its overwhelming pot laws and finally adopt a medical marijuana program? Can the southern pot community celebrate or is it too early to thank the Lone Star State just yet? Let’s take a closer look and find out about the possibility of a medical marijuana program in Texas.
Changing the Landscape
At this time, Texans supports a limited medical marijuana bill, but patients have to endure endless strings of therapy and medication before they are even considered for the program. However, thanks to the efforts of lawmakers in the state, the traditionalist state might be one step closer to making this program easier for patients. Presently, lawmakers have introduced Senate Bill 90 and House Bill 209 (two companion bills) in an effort to expand the lineup of qualifying illnesses and diseases on the current marijuana roster to include cancer, HIV/AIDS, PTSD, autism, and post-concussion syndrome (and possible spaces for chronic pain and debilitating nausea).
Why Expand the Program?
For Senator Jose Menendez (the author of the bills), the race for cannabis legalization has taken a personal route, as his father was forced to suffer through cancer without the aid of pot (out of fear of breaking Texas State law). Ultimately, the senator’s son had conducted research on this plant and confirmed it could help, opening up the doorway of possibilities for Menendez. As Andrew Livingston (economics and research director at Vicente Sederberg) explains, the expansion of free markets will provide viable medications to suffering patients (like Senator Menendez’s father) and symbolize the unity and vibrant spirit that constitute the ethics of Texans.
Seeking Treatment for Marijuana Use Disorder
Marijuana might be a viable medication for suffering patients, but this plant is still a drug, through and through. You can endure tremendous mental problems after using it and possibly suffer physical side effects (particularly if you smoke this plant). If you, a friend, or a loved one is suffering from marijuana use disorder or a form of dependency, get in touch with Asana Recovery today. Our professional team of counselors and healthcare experts will help you endure the pain of withdrawal and detox and help you complete a successful and fulfilling rehabilitation. While the road to recovery might not be an easy path, we promise to help you every step of the way.
Take the first step to stay fit, healthy, and safe. If you want to find out more about our residential treatment or supervised detoxification/withdrawal programs or enroll in one of these programs today, we are ready and waiting to speak with you at your leisure and your disclosure. Call Asana now at (949) 438-4504 to learn how you can kick your marijuana habits or dependency.