Hard workers always tend to get ahead; as a society, we value hard work and a solid work ethic, but when does a healthy work ethic cross the line into a compulsive behavior? True workaholics may not be able to stop working once the day is over, and may exhibit any of the following signs:

People who are already struggling with alcohol use disorder or who are in recovery are at a higher risk of becoming addicted to or obsessed with work. Replacing one addiction with another is a common occurrence, and since alcohol use and work are already connected, there is a greater risk involved. It is also easy to dismiss someone who is struggling with an addiction to work as simply a “hard worker” and to overlook their addiction because they are seen to be successful or dedicated.

There is also the link between alcohol, work, and stress. Many people who are stressed at work will put in longer hours in an attempt to gain a higher sense of accomplishment; people who are stressed often turn to alcohol to destress (though alcohol has been proven to increase stress levels). In cases such as this, it could be the poor work environment that is fostering unhealthy work/life balance that develops into a compulsive behavior disorder as well contributing to excessive alcohol consumption that can develop into an addiction/dependence.

It can be hard to identify co-occurring alcohol addiction, as well as an addiction to working for people who are high functioning, as these are individuals who often seem to have their lives in order. These are often the people who do not appear to be struggling, and are also the ones least likely to reach out for help.

At Asana Recovery, we understand how difficult recovering from these addictions through our daily work to help those struggling most from this disease. While some may believe they can make it alone, rehabilitation programs are essential in the fight to break dependency. The road ahead is not a smooth or easy one, but you can traverse it if done so with the support of the right team. Counseling and aftercare processes can assist you by addressing the psychological facets that led you to addition and help you build a structure from which to better cope with life without succumbing to addiction.The supervised detoxification and residential treatment programs at Asana Recovery are offered in a supportive, relaxing, and inspiring environment. We’re deeply committed to ensuring your long-term recovery, and guiding you on your path to a healthier and happier future. There is no better time than now, and we’re always available to speak with you. Call us at (949) 438-4504 to learn more about our comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment program today.