Finally A Real Chance To Get Sober

The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) estimates that 75% of high school students have used addictive substances. Early drug use puts individuals at a  heightened risk of developing a substance addiction. It is important for parents to be able to know the signs of teen substance use so they will be able to recognize whether their teen needs help, but sometimes these signs can be hard to spot.

Common signs of drug use, including moodiness and secretive behavior, are often behaviors that are already heightened in and common to teens. Nevertheless, a noticeable increase in those behaviors combined with one or more of the following signs may be an indication that your teen is using drugs.

Common Signs of Teen Drug Use

If your teen is exhibiting the signs of drug or alcohol use, it is important to intervene at the earliest possible opportunity.

The Asana Recovery Center offers a comprehensive detoxification and residential treatment program for drug and alcohol addiction that can help those at any age or stage of addiction. To learn more about our program and facilities, call (949) 438-4504 today.