Finally A Real Chance To Get Sober

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Drinking during your college years is frequently glorified on television, and encouraged through the “party culture” that is prevalent at numerous colleges and universities. In this kind of environment, students have a higher likeliness of engaging in unsafe drinking activities, assuming that it’s a rite of passage. However, what many students don’t understand is that unhealthy drinking can lead to dangerous safety and health risks, along with the possibility of addiction. 

Excessive drinking within a short time period is known as binge drinking. In order to be classified as a “binge,” the consumer’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) must either reach or surpass 0.08 grams per 100 grams of blood. This typically happens in men when 5 or more drinks are consumed, and in women when 4 or more drinks are consumed within the span of 2 hours. Though some college students state that their motive is to have a good time, continued patterns of excessive drinking can be serious and lead to life-shattering consequences.

The negative effects that come from overindulgent drinking are as severe as they are commonplace. The annual statistics below apply to college students within the age range of 18 to 24, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:

Some college students who binge drink do so out of the desire to meet new people and fit in, while others binge drink to try to mask inner conflicts. Many college students who are out on their own for the first time dealing with the plight of loneliness – a result of adjusting to their new life away from longtime friends and family. When these feelings creep up on them, depression can take over.

Binge drinking can be especially damaging to college students who struggle with depression and feelings of loneliness. Excessive drinking won’t cure, but will only worsen these feelings, and can be a gateway to habitual drinking behavior.

Some other reasons college students may turn to alcohol include:


The residential treatment and detox programs at Asana Recovery are conducted in an environment that provides an ample amount of support. Our deep commitment to ensuring your long-term recovery will also help you get on the path to a happier and healthier future. There is no time like the present! We are always happy to speak with you. Call us today at (949) 438-4504 to learn all about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment program today!
