Addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease defined by a physical and psychological dependence on drugs or alcohol. When an addictive disorder has formed, a person will pursue their toxic habits despite putting themselves and others in harm’s way.

Defining Addiction

An addiction heavily impacts the way a person thinks, acts, and feels. Many people  with addictive disorders are aware of their problem, but have difficulty stopping on their own. While it can be tempting to try drugs or alcohol for the first time, it is very easy for things to take a turn for the worst, especially in cases of alcohol and drug abuse. When a person consumes a substance repeatedly over time, they begin building a tolerance. Tolerance forms when you begin to need larger quantities of drugs or alcohol to achieve the same effects as when you started.

Prolonged substance abuse can result in a vicious cycle of addiction, where an individual needs to continue using drugs or alcohol in order to avoid the uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal. By the time a person realizes they have a problem, drugs or alcohol have already taken control, causing them to prioritize its use over everything else that was once important in their lives.

Warning Signs of Addiction

Addictions begin with experimentation with a substance. There are many reasons someone might initially try a drug, including curiosity, peer pressure or stress and problems at work or home.

If you are concerned that someone you care about is battling an addiction, there are several red flags to look for. However, it is important to remember that everyone is different, therefore it may be harder to spot an addiction in some people than in others. Here are some general warning signs to be aware of:

At Asana Recovery, we understand how difficult recovering from these addictions through our daily work to help those struggling most from this disease. While some may believe they can make it alone, rehabilitation programs are essential in the fight to break dependency. The road ahead is not a smooth or easy one, but you can traverse it if done so with the support of the right team. Counseling and aftercare processes can assist you by addressing the psychological facets that led you to addition and help you build a structure from which to better cope with life without succumbing to addiction.The supervised detoxification and residential treatment programs at Asana Recovery are offered in a supportive, relaxing, and inspiring environment. We’re deeply committed to ensuring your long-term recovery, and guiding you on your path to a healthier and happier future. There is no better time than now, and we’re always available to speak with you. Call us at (949) 438-4504 to learn more about our comprehensive drug and alcohol addiction treatment program today.