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Spice is one of the many commercial names or brands for synthetic designer drugs that are meant to mimic THC, the primary active ingredient in marijuana. It is generally a mixture of manmade chemicals with mind-altering effects, and herbs (shredded plant material). These chemicals are called cannabinoids because they are similar to chemicals contained in the marijuana plant, cannabis. Due to this similarity, synthetic cannabinoids are sometimes falsely called “fake weed”, or “synthetic marijuana”.

Thus far, there haven’t been many scientific studies about the effects of synthetic cannabinoids on the human brain, but researchers do know that some of them attach more strongly than marijuana to cell receptors affected by THC. This can produce much stronger effects, and the resulting health consequences can be dangerous and unpredictable. Because the chemical makeup of many synthetic cannabinoid products isn’t known and may vary between batches, these products are likely to contain substances that cause drastically different effects than the user might be expecting.

All of the ways Spice may affect a person’s health or its toxicity are still unknown, but it is possible that there may be harmful, heavy metal residues contained in Spice mixtures. If you or a loved one experience these symptoms, seek help immediately, before it is too late.

As use increases in frequency and duration, there are greater risks of ill effects of synthetic marijuana abuse, including:

Your body gradually adjusts to Spice over time; due to this, you can form a physical dependency on it. Spice detox is similar to symptoms experienced during regular cannabis withdrawal, including a loss of appetite, irritability, and trouble sleeping. Individuals who have used synthetic cannabinoids for lengthy periods of time and suddenly stop have reported symptoms similar to withdrawal, implying that the substances are addictive. Commonly reported symptoms from habitual users of synthetic cannabinoids to include:

Some people who abruptly stop using synthetic cannabinoids after using frequently, report severe symptoms such as:

The severity of these withdrawal symptoms may be correlated to the amount consumed, and the length of time someone has used synthetic cannabinoids. Spice withdrawal symptoms can be very uncomfortable, and for some, potentially dangerous. If you quit using Spice, you may experience the following symptoms:

Withdrawal symptoms may not begin until 1 to 3 days after the last use when smoking real marijuana, while synthetic marijuana withdrawal symptoms may begin only 15 minutes following the last use. Death, although rare, is a very real risk associated with using Spice. Because the chemicals found in this synthetic cannabinoid vary from one package to another, and the potency may differ even within the same package, its effects are unpredictable; this turns the use of it into an even greater threat and gamble.

At Asana Recovery, we understand the plight of experiencing drug rehabilitation and how difficult it can be. Although some believe they can make it on their own, rehab programs are an essential part of fighting to break the dependency. The road ahead may not always be the smoothest or easiest, but you can conquer it if given the support of the right team. Give us a call today at (949) 438-4504, to learn more about our comprehensive drug treatment center in California today.