Finally A Real Chance To Get Sober

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 25 million people are in a marriage where one spouse is suffering from alcohol or drug addiction. Whether the spouse’s struggle is somewhat new or the spouse’s struggle has been ongoing, the problems that it causes for a relationship can be tough for everyone involved. No one wants to watch their loved one suffer from the disease of addiction. It can be heartbreaking, overwhelming and life-changing in many ways, especially if there is addiction in marriage.

Effects of Addiction in Marriage

Addiction in marriage can cause harm to a relationship in many ways, and since addiction is a progressive disease, it can continue to cause strain and weaken a marriage or relationship over time. Further, addiction is a family disease and can take a toll on the various members of a family, including the spouse and children. Some problems that you might be experiencing in your marriage because of addiction may include:

Signs of Drug Use in Your Spouse

If you aren’t sure your spouse is abusing drugs or alcohol but you have noticed some behavioral, emotional or physical changes, here are some potential signs of addiction:

Addiction in a marriage can be particularly painful, because for the other spouse, they may ask questions such as “why don’t they love me enough to stop?” “Why can’t I fix him/her?” “What should I be doing differently” etc. Despite wanting to help them, it is equally important to protect yourself and consider your own feelings and emotional and physical safety. Unfortunately, when an individual is married to someone with an active substance use disorder, they become sick as well since it is a family disease. For example, the spouse of an addicted person can develop anxiety, depression or even post traumatic stress disorder as a result of their spouse’s addiction. They may also take on codependent roles or become an enabler of their spouses behavior, while developing other unhealthy coping mechanisms. 

Get Help in California

Ultimately, both the individual with a substance use disorder and their spouse will benefit from professional treatment, especially for their marriage to survive drug addiction. If you or your spouse has a problem with substance or alcohol use, Asana Recovery can help. Contact Asana Recovery or give us a call today at 949-763-3440. Our trained professionals will walk you through the admissions process and make sure all of your questions are answered. The first step is admitting you need help, and is often the hardest. Once you take that first step, there will be a team on your side to help you be successful in your new future.