What is a Sober Companion?
If you are in recovery, you may still be struggling with your addiction. Recovery coaches are important, but they are not therapists or physicians. Coaches will not treat or diagnose your substance use disorder. You will receive help through other kinds of support including locating the right support group, selecting your treatment center, and beginning detox.
Your recovery coach will not recommend one type of treatment over another. You will be given encouragement to initiate all types of positive changes. For example, life coaches are individuals often hired by the wealthy for help meeting their goals. A sober companion is a lot like a life coach with one important difference — their focus is placed directly on addiction.
Hiring a sober companion means you are taking charge of your recovery. Your companion is there to offer both guidance and support whenever necessary. Two of the most important parts of your recovery are changing your past behavior and remaining motivated to stay sober.
Your sober companion will take you to places important for your recovery, including therapy, meetings, and court appearances if necessary. They will stay with you 24 hours per day to help you avoid relapse by making the necessary changes to your lifestyle. In most cases, a PRSS (peer recovery support specialist) and an RSS (recovery support specialist) are hired by community organizations. In some instances, these individuals are simply volunteers. Recovery coaches for families help them cope with the impact on their lives due to living with someone with a substance use disorder.
A virtual or phone recovery coach makes an electronic connection as opposed to meeting you face-to-face. A legal support coach will help you with legal issues including drug court or being placed under house arrest. They will help you remain sober and can make recommendations on your behalf to the court. Sober companions fulfill numerous and specific roles including helping you straighten out and cope with your finances.
Benefits of a Sober Companion
There are a few things you should know before you search for a sober companion. You need to decide if you want a companion with personal addiction experience or a counseling or medical background. Figure out exactly where you need help. You can find a sober companion specializing in the areas you require assistance.
Hiring a companion specializing in areas where you are sufficient is not at all useful. You also need to decide where you want to speak with your sober companion. You might want them to come to you, go to a community center or conduct your conversations on the phone. Although there is no sober companion database, you can find numerous options with a fast Google search.
Recovering from your addiction is much more complicated than getting your treatment through a facility before returning home. You will need to change your negative behaviors and patterns and overcome a variety of barriers and battles to succeed. Having a companion that understands exactly what you are going through is invaluable for your recovery.
You will not be able to become sober and maintain your sobriety by yourself. If you surround yourself with people who are educated, patient and understanding, you will have an easier time reintegrating into the world. There are numerous benefits of a sober companion including:
• Your companion provides support and strength
• You learn new life skills leading to true independence
• You have help making healthy choices such as exercise and diet
• You receive help mending relationships broken due to your addiction
• Your companion is available at all times
• Your companion will listen without judgment or bias
• You will be exposed to positive activities to enhance your self-esteem
• You receive inspirational motivation to ensure your steps are positive
• You will not be lonely which is one of the main causes of relapses
Who Would Benefit from a Sober Companion?
If you are coming home from rehab, a sober companion will help you cope with the fear of adjusting to a sober lifestyle. You can build a strong relationship offering support, recommendations and help. The trust you build with your sober companion is invaluable for building a healthy new life. If you need help with transportation to follow-up outpatient rehab or treatment, a sober companion is important.
Your companion will make certain you attend every appointment related to your recovery while offering both transportation and support. This eliminates the potential of missing meetings or using drugs or alcohol to cope. If one of the friends you made while you were being treated does not come to a meeting or relapses, having someone to talk to can stop you from making a poor decision out of stress or concern.
You do not need to have every move you make supervised by your sober companion. You may need them to live with you for 24/7 support or only need to talk when you need help. The best part is everything is up to you. Everyone recovering from an addiction needs help at one time or another. You choose your companion according to what you need the most.
There are all different types of sober companions. Some embrace more recent concepts such as practicing mindfulness. Others are experienced with traditional concepts including the 12-step program. Unfortunately, not everyone has a family to offer the help they need to maintain sobriety. You might still be repairing the relationships damaged by your addiction. The bottom line is when you need your sober companion, they will be there for you.