In a matter of two decades, our country has continued to suffer from one of the worst public health epidemics since the outbreak of HIV/AIDS in the 1970s and the 1980s. As of 2016, the Opioid Crisis has turned over two million people into opioid abuser and addicts, while hundreds of thousands more have died as a result of overdosing on these deadly drugs. Needless to say, the influx of illegal synthetics, like heroin and fentanyl, and prescription painkillers hasn’t helped to correct the equation. While we have seen that certain areas of the country have suffered more than others, like West Virginia and Ohio, we also have to consider how the South is being affected as well. For today, let’s take a closer look at Arizona and find out how the Copper State is handling the Opioid Crisis.

Beneath the National Average

Although it might be fighting its share of tragic opioid-related issues, Arizona has still reported incidences of opioid-related fatalities that are several points below the national average. As of 2016, the state confirmed an incidence of 11.4 opioid overdose-related deaths per 100,000 residents (about 769 deaths in total), several points below the U.S. average of 13.3 deaths per 100,000 people. However, heroin-related fatalities have risen from 102 in 2013 to 299 in 2016, one of the main triggers of the opioid problem in the state. Meanwhile, deaths related to prescription drugs rose from 36 to 123.

Changes in Prescription Rates

Over the course of the past couple of years, opioid prescriptions have steadily been declining in Arizona, as well. In 2013, Arizona doctors wrote 5.1 million opioid prescriptions, around 76.2 drugs per 100 patients, a few notches below the U.S. incidence of 79.3 drugs per 100 people. Meanwhile, the total use of these drugs has decreased by 4.9% from 2013 to 2015, dropping to 4.8 million prescriptions (70.5 drugs per 100 people).

Rates of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Despite the more positive outcome in the consumption of drugs, neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) has still been rising in the state. From 1999 to 2013, Arizona reported a threefold increase of NAS cases from 1.3 cases per 1,000 births to 3.9 cases per 1,000 births. Keep in mind that the national average across 28 neighboring states has been 6.0 cases per 1,000 live births.

Viral Outbreaks in Arizona

Ultimately, viral outbreaks have been a little more frequent in Arizona than expected. Out of the 39,513 new cases of HIV documented in 2015, Arizona documented 717 new outbreaks. Meanwhile, out of the 181,871 new cases of hepatitis C reported in 2015, Arizona confirmed 7,422 new outbreaks.

Seeking Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid use disorder is easily one of the most terrifying substance use disorders on the planet, mostly because opioid addiction partially stems from a large number of drugs that are legally regulated by the federal government. For decades, our country has suffered beneath the weight of dangerous synthetics and legal painkillers, and millions of Americans have suffered from addiction throughout the 20 years the crisis has been brewing. However, you can make the right decision by taking a stand against your addiction and regaining your health and happiness.

If you are suffering from a severe case of drug addiction, or have a friend or loved one who is coping with this illness, get in touch with Asana Recovery today. Our professional team of counselors and healthcare experts will help you endure the painful process of opioid withdrawal and detox and guide you along the rocky road of rehabilitation. Soon enough, you will experience a faster and much more efficient recovery.

If you want to find out more about our residential treatment or supervised detoxification/withdrawal programs or enroll in one of these programs today, we are ready and waiting to speak with you at your leisure and your disclosure. Call Asana now at (949) 438-4504 to learn how you can overcome your mental illness and take an extra step toward becoming a healthier person.