Whether you enjoy the world of professional wrestling or not, each of us has to admit that these men and women put a lot of effort into providing a good show. After all, nowhere else but the world of WWE can you see awesome entertainment mixed with some (for lack of a better word) frightening situations that can result in legitimate injuries. Needless to say, in an industry where “bigger is always better,” you can guarantee that drugs and alcohol are going to be a bit of a problem among the employees. Although some clean-cut big men like John Cena, Paul Levesque (Triple H), and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have stood out from the crowd, other iconic superstars haven’t exactly hit the high mark, but some have managed to crawl back into the ring for another round. Let’s take a closer look at some WWE Superstars who suffered from alcohol problems.

Kurt Angle

Making his debut under the colors of the American flag, Kurt Angle definitely brought the straight-man routine to the ring, but his real life was far from peaceful for a long time. During the height of his career with the WWE, Angle suffered from severe addiction to painkillers and alcohol and had to consume more and more of these drugs to keep up his energy for wrestling. After being arrested 4 times, he eventually checked into rehab and has been clean for some time now.

Jake “The Snake” Roberts

Possibly one of the most iconic tough guys of all time, the legend Jake “the Snake” Roberts was a definitively intimidating presence in the ring, but his career quickly took a downward spiral. In 1997, the World Wrestling Federation (now WWE) fired Roberts but his appearance on Beyond the Mat did not sell a positive image to the public. After several stints in prison and rehab, the Snake got back on track through Diamond Dallas Page’s Yoga Program.

Scott Hall

Of the superstars mentioned on this list, Scott Hall suffered from the most widely documented case of alcoholism. A monster in the ring, the wrestler eventually hit rock bottom after being discharged from the WWE in 2002, and he eventually had to check into rehabilitation programs. In interviews, Hall has confirmed that his addiction could have killed him. At this time, he encourages other people struggling from this sickness to get the help they need.

Seeking Treatment for Alcohol Abuse or Alcoholism   

Hard partying and heavy alcohol consumption do not make a person popular or loved, despite what the drunken people around you may say. Remember, you are much better than the bottle you are holding and can easily regain control, if you are willing to seek out help in the right place. Above all else, love yourself, or you will not find a way to repair your mind and body. With a little patience and perseverance, you will regain your footing on the snowy path to recovery.

If you are suffering from a severe case of alcoholism or alcohol abuse or have a friend or loved one who is coping with this illness, get in touch with Asana Recovery today. Our professional team of counselors and healthcare experts will help you endure the painful process of alcohol withdrawal and detox and guide you along the rocky road of rehabilitation. Soon enough, you will experience a faster and much more efficient recovery.

If you want to find out more about our residential treatment or supervised detoxification/withdrawal programs or enroll in one of these programs today, we are ready and waiting to speak with you at your leisure and your disclosure. Call Asana now at (949) 438-4504 to learn how you can overcome your mental illness and take an extra step toward becoming a healthier person.